Fat Loss VS. Weight Loss

When we are going on a diet, we usually use the term “weight loss”. While losing the numbers on the scale could be exciting, you need to think more about losing fat and making sure you aren’t losing any lean body mass.

When you are focused on losing weight, you don’t worry about where the weight loss is coming from. You could be losing things that you need like organs, bone or muscle, and still, consider yourself to be winning because the number on the scale is going down. That is not the best way to go about things because totally fasting and not eating anything will give you weight loss, but it could also lead to sickness and even death.

If you go the fasting route, your body will be getting about 80-90% of its energy from its own
body fat, which you may be happy about. The only catch is that when your body goes without protein
for several hours, its own protein stores begin to be attacked. When it gets to this point you are looking at organ malfunction and inability to move. If this continues it could take you on to death.
While there are some weight loss programs that help people achieve some significant weight losses, one of the problems is that they do not go about it the right way. This means that instead of attacking the body fat, people are losing the lean body mass that we want to keep. 

What is lean body mass? This is basically anything that is not fat. Meaning: skeletal muscles, organs, bones and the like. When you lose this lean body mass, you will see your metabolism to slow down, meaning that less fat is going to be burned. Even if you do lose weight, you will gain it back much faster which is why many people go on yo-yo diets.

When you look at The Fat Decimator System, you will see that it is designed to not only allow your metabolism to do its thing, but it works on resetting and increasing your metabolism so that your fat burning potential is at its best. The scale-focused diets often harm your body more than helping and can slow your body down. Your body can even begin to attack itself if you are not approaching this properly.

Wondering if you’ve done one of these diets before? If you know what to look for, it is easy to know if you’ve participated in one of them before.

Do any of the diets you have followed have a lack of protein? Maybe these diets come to mind:
Cabbage Soup Diet, Lemonade Diet, Hollywood Juice Diet, you know the ones! While you may be able to lose weight with these diets, you are also going to seriously mess up your body.

Instead of doing anything good, these diets actually mess up your whole plan. How do they mess it up? By slowing your metabolism! This means you are going to have a much lower ability to lose weight. You need lean body mass, and the more of it that you have, the better, because this means more calories that your body will be able to use up just on its daily functioning.

Where do you think that your body is going to get the protein that it needs if it isn’t coming from what you are eating? You’re right… it is going to get it from your skin, hair, nails, and anything else it can possibly sink its hungry little protein seeking teeth into.

Now, you’re thinking.

Yes, it will also move on to more important parts of your body like your brain, liver, kidneys and more. You don’t want to go there. Your skeletal muscle helps you burn fat and now you are going to give it a diet that makes it attack that every part of you.

• Losing hair
• Hair that is less healthy
• Reduction in pigmentation of hair
• Fingernail and toenail ridges
• Dry or flaky skin
• Muscle cramping and weaknesses
• Inability or difficulty sleeping
• Nausea
• Cuts and wounds that take a long time to heal

Do any of these things sound familiar to you or like something you have gone through before?

If you are experiencing any of these challenges, you should simply look at your protein intake and make sure it is the proper intake for your daily diet. When you are deficient in protein, you may notice that these are very serious issues. You might be dealing with serious health risks such as gallstones, heart problems, organ failure and muscle deterioration.

As you can see, this is a serious problem that you don’t want to play with. The need for protein in your diet is not up for debate. When you get to the diet part of The Fat Decimator System, you will be able to calculate your true daily protein requirements.

The Fat Decimator System tries to put you through something like starvation and everything that is good about it (burning fat fast!). In order to do this, you need to have your body depleted from carbs so that the starvation response will be trigged. This will get your body burning more fat for its energy needs.

While that is going on, you will sneak a good amount of protein into your body every few hours. There is no need to attack your lean body mass because the body is going to use this “easy” protein (eating protein) and turn it into glucose. This requires even more body fat to make it happen. The idea is to throw all kinds of things at the body so that it is forced to burn more and more body fat and this is what will allow you to experience super fast weight loss.

With all of the confusing information we receive about our bodies and what nutrients it needs, you probably think you need some things that you don’t and think you don’t need some things that you do.

Nutrients, minerals, water, and vitamins are needed by our bodies for optimal health and the ability to function. The human body is capable of producing thousands of nutrients in order to keep living.

Nonessential nutrients are the nutrients that the body makes itself. They are called this because the body is able to produce those nutrients itself and you do not need to go out and make sure that you put those nutrients into your body through the consumption of the proper foods. So it makes sense that the nutrients your body does not make on its own are known as essential nutrients.

What are some essential nutrients?

• Water
• Proteins
• Fats
• Vitamins
• Minerals

You may have learned that you need carbs in other diets, but carbs, sugar, starch, and fiber have been purposefully left out. Did you know that carbs do not provide any nutritional benefit to the human body AT ALL!

Most of the nutrients we consume as humans are fat, protein and carbs. When we understand the roles of each of these nutrients, we are able to take control of the way our body looks and what results in we get.

In The Fat Decimator System, you will learn exactly how to make your diet work for you instead of against you. You will learn how our bodies gain weight and how to lose it as well. And how to do it in a manner that is healthy.


Protein is extremely important since it is the foundation of your body’s cells, organs, and tissues. If
you want muscles, skin, hair, organs, and hormones, you need protein.

Yes, it is true that the body can survive without eating carbs ever again and even last for a long time without taking on more fat. But when you deprive your body of protein, you will notice degeneration of your muscle tissue as well as your organs, and if this goes on for an extended period, you will experience death.

When you understand how important protein is to the body, you will be surprised how many people get most of their calories from high-carb diets. If you look at studies outside of the “recommended daily dose of protein”, you will see that the recommended daily dose is way below what we should be consuming. If you are exercising then you REALLY need more protein.

Proteins are made up of amino acids and there are just 20 amino acids that make up all human proteins. When it comes to these 20 amino acids, the body is only able to produce 12 of these on its own. This means you need to get the other 8 through the foods that you consume.

The essential amino acids that are not made by the body are as follows: Lysine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Valine 

In infants and small children, there are two other necessary essential amino acids.

Where do we get these amino acids? We get them whenever we take in protein from sources like fish, poultry, meat, and legumes. If you find “complete proteins” this means you will be able to get the amino acids from this source. The “incomplete proteins” are the ones that will only give you part of what you need in terms of amino acids.

Most animal proteins such as fish, poultry, meat, cheese, and eggs are considered complete proteins. Vegetable-based proteins are the ones that are usually incomplete proteins. Think of your legumes, nuts, seeds, and grains. When you want to get the necessary amino acids through vegetables, you will need to make a combination of different foods strategically.

Did you know that your body works a lot harder to process proteins than it does to process carbs and fat? What does this do for you? What are the benefits?

Your body receives less energy when it processes proteins than when it processes fats and carbs, so it reduces the amount of energy that your body receives. It also is slower to empty out of the stomach which means we are going to have the feeling of being full longer. While fat and carbs are stored in the body, it is believed that the body only uses about 50% of the protein we eat and eliminates the rest. This means your body will be getting what it needs and you won’t experience all of the weight

A hormone called glucagon is released when you have protein in your meals. It works on slowing down the harmful effects of having too many carbs in your diet. How does it do this? By slowing the absorption rate of the carbs. New studies are also showing that when glucagon is released by the body, it stimulates fat-burning by freeing up your stored body fat in order to use it as fuel.

When we up the protein we consume and decrease the carbs we consume, we see a dual fat burning effect. We do also see that when the body does not have carbs to use to fuel the body, it begins to go after those nasty fat stores. You will also find that the glucagon release attacks the fat stores which insulin has been protecting. In The Fat Decimator System, you will get strategic information and instructions on how you can take advantage of both of these processes.

Let’s Talk About Fat...

We have all been told that fat is a bad thing. This is why most of us go for the “low fat” foods even though we know it is not going to help us in our quest for a better body.

Fat makes us fat, that makes sense, right? Well, it may make sense when you hear it said, but it’s not necessarily true. While fat is very calorie dense, it does not have the thermic effect protein does. Fat has only 3% and protein has 30%. This means when you consume fat you aren’t going to see a blast to your metabolism BUT fat on its own does not make us fat.

Fat is actually very important to many parts of the body. Yes, we can go without fat for a while, but we can’t live without it forever. We need EFAs AKA essential fatty acids. EFAs help us to burn fat that has been in stubborn storage on our bodies. When you listen to the information provided in The Fat Decimator System, you will learn how to get the right amount of these good fats so that you lose weight quickly and become healthier.

Fat Cells

Did you know that once a fat cell is created it never goes away? The fat cells just continue to grow
bigger and bigger until they are no longer able to hold stored fat. What do you think your body does
when they can’t hold anymore? That’s right, it creates new fat cells in order to hold what doesn’t fit in the current fat cells! Even though we are stuck with these fat cells forever, we can take the ax to the fatty acids and triglycerides that are being held in the fat cells and that is what is going to make us look thinner.

Understanding that fat is the best fuel for your body, when we switch your body to using this better fuel, we turn your body into a fat burning machine.

This Introduction Manual is just a “small part” of the actual Fat Decimator System so that you know THE FACTS and THE TRUTH of what you will get if you decide to make a purchase. After reading this guide, if you feel that the information within The Fat Decimator System is right for you and will help you achieve your goals Click Here to get the complete package. (or use the download
the button on the last page of this document)

In The Fat Decimator System diet part of the manual, you are going to learn how to calculate your body fat, learn how much protein you need every day to make sure that your fat is being burned and how to maintain lean body mass.

You will also learn the “secret” method of how to maintain your ideal body weight forever.

The Fat Decimator System exercise manual will give you some very effective fat burning exercises to combine with the diet portion of the program so you can produce some amazing changes!

You also have the motivation manual so you can learn how to make weight loss easier and how you can enjoy the journey.

Start today and make sure that you live as long and as healthy a life as possible. Have amazing success! And congrats on starting your journey!


Click the “Download Now” button below to GET THE FAT DECIMATOR SYSTEM COMPLETE PACKAGE FOR $37



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Fat Loss VS. Weight Loss When we are going on a diet , we usually use the term “weight loss”. While losing the numbers on the scale cou...